Monthly Archives: November 2022


Workers should go to work and come home.

They shouldn’t die on the job.

The number of workers killed at work on the World Cup and associated builds is impossible to state. What is clear is that the data isn’t accurate, or consistent.

And that dying of heat exposure isn’t considered to be an issue like falling from height.

If the number from the ILO is taken as a baseline, then a working population of 1.5m had 50 fatal accidents in 2020. The U.K. has about 120 fatal accidents per year.

Qatar has lots of money. There’s no excuse.

World Cup

How many is too many? How many people is it acceptable to kill building facilities for a major sporting event?

One? Ten? A hundred? A thousand?

6500… probably more… employed on an exploitative basis…

When watching the World Cup, remember the cost…

Back Again

It’s been a while…

Things have changed. As ever. Moved from the Midlands to the North East… of Scotland. Which is a Big Move.

And then Elon broke Twitter… so, although the presence is maintained, there’s not much use anymore…

Mastodon is the ‘new place’. Like the old place used to be, back before 2016 and all of the bile and hate that was released… No algorithm to drive ‘controversial’ views to you… just people you choose to interact with.

It’s more like Bake Off than Question Time. Which is a Good Thing.

So the Blog is back. I’ll try to keep it regular.

One year ago, we moved North. Seems time for a new beginning. So this is it.